This make-ahead spice rub for fish and seafood is great on everything from salmon and halibut to shrimp and scallops! It keeps for a LONG time, too. Try...
The all-American Waldorf Salad first gained popularity in the 19th century at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Made with simple ingredients, this classic makes...
Everyone loves this roasted broccoli recipe with florets tossed in olive oil, lemon juice and salt, roasted and served with parmesan cheese and lots of...
Creamy chicken and asparagus pasta with penne, sautéed strips of chicken breast, broth, cream, goat cheese, parmesan, lemon, and asparagus! Easy midweek...
This classic Chinese Broccoli Beef Stir-Fry recipe takes only 30 minutes from start to finish! Crisp-tender broccoli and tender steak, all decked out in...
This steak marinade recipe re-creates the deep, dark, savory flavors of Tyson's Black Diamond steak by incorporating plenty of soy sauce, Worcestershire,...
Tuna melts are easy to make at home! Make some tuna salad, sandwich with cheese, and grill on the stovetop until toasty. Makes a simple lunch or a light...
Apple pie without the crust! Easy baked apples will be your favorite microwave apple recipe. Or bake them in the oven. Either way, here's a simple, satisfying...
A delicious roast chicken salad made with brown and wild rice mixed together with avocado, apple cider vinegar, rocket leaves, slices of fresh nectarine,...
Dinner is 6 ingredients and 20 minutes away with this Honey Mustard Salmon. Honey mustard is an easy way to dress up salmon, and baking it in the oven...
It's not a party without deviled eggs! This classic deviled eggs recipe is great for all kinds of gatherings, whether an Easter brunch, a summer picnic,...
You have to try this easy to make Mushroom Ricotta Manicotti, which gets its creamy richness from a mix of cream, cream of mushroom soup, and ricotta cheese....
This delicious chicken veggie stir-fry is packed with goodness, and it takes less than 15 minutes to make. Serve it with cooked brown rice to complete...
Spanish peanuts coated in a hard sugar great for snacking! For added kick you can add cayenne pepper to peanuts while cooking. Peanuts will be very hot...
Baked Chicken Marinara - chicken pieces coated with Parmesan and bread crumbs, fried and covered with a tomato basil marinara sauce, and topped with melted...
This veggie-packed lo mein is a filling, super fast, super easy noodle stir fry. It uses staple vegetables like cabbage and carrots, with bell peppers...
This chicken with creamy dijon mustard sauce is an easy and fast weeknight meal. The chicken cutlets and sauce are all cooked in the same skillet, making...
A great way to use Chinese New Year mandarin oranges. Classic buttermilk muffins with the oriental flavour of mandarin oranges. It's so amazing you'll...